Thursday 3 November 2011


Texturing the wooden strips for the floorboards/pallets was actually a really fun job. I looked at the photographs from WWI pallets and colour images pallets for sale to get an idea of a level of wear, then played with watercolour, inks and acrylics to get a varying array of worn pallets. I began with tea staining the wooden strips to take the edge off their light colour without making them too dark. From here I played with a water colour wash to give different base colours in some cases an ocher, reddy brown or mid green. This was mainly because I didn't want them to look uniform as they would each have worn differently subject to their different uses. From here I added brown tinges along the sides and mud like spatters in ink, then working in with the stronger coloured acrylics. Once dry I sanded down edges and snapped some off for a more realistic look. I added quite a lot of grey as wood seems to tinge grey as it ages.

I am really happy with the overall effect I have achieved as they look nicely worn and authentic. I will repeat this technique with the floorboards to achieve a similar look without them also becoming too uniform in colour/texture. I shall now work further into the pallets possibly adding some stenciled text and nails.

Wooden floorboards:

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