Wednesday 16 November 2011

Devil Textures

Sample of layering with different colours and textures. There need to be some deeper blacks and it needs to be layered up thicker but otherwise it's looking good. I am not keen on the check fabric that hasn't dyed well.

A selection of the textural sample that Emily has created for the Devil's final costume.
Texture added with puff paint, I love the red and green which will go with the autumnal leaves in the set decoration. The corduroy and  puff paint combined create a lovely texture of the sinews of a leaf.

Emily's shape samples taking inspiration from different elements of nature. This is great as the Devil needs to completely look as if she is covered in texture from natural sources as if risen from the earth.

Puff paint used to create mould/lichen texture, they look great but will look better in smaller patches as the ones of the left look a little too large. I love the colouration.

Dye samples of black in the variety of textures we bought.

Same again for red, Emily hass done many of these to get an exquisite colour range.  I love the scrim and hessian textures best as they will fray nicely and give bulk to the textured parts. The scrim in the green also looks very much like mould which will connect beautifully to the body suit beneath.

Further layering experimentation, this sample looks better as it is thicker yet when the edges are frayed as it looks a little flat at the moment.

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