Tuesday 18 October 2011

Fitting with Kokoro

Today Grace, Emily Hudson and Emily Manning and I met with some members of Kokoro as the Lighthouse in Poole. We were there to gather their measurements so we can order in hire costumes that are likely to fit them well allowing us to perform minimal alterations at a later date. Taking four of us to perform the fittings was definitely a wise move as this meant we could perform the task very swiftly, and use up the minimum amount of their lunch break during rehearsal as possible, as requested. It was a great opportunity to meet the musicians and  be able to visualise them in the costumes and in the production as a whole. In addition to this it also meant we could ask about any concerns/requirements they have when playing their particular instrument and how we can manipulate their costume to make sure it is as comfortable and practical as possible. Meeting Nick again also gave me a chance to resolve a few queries I had about the set such as any sound implications from the rostra and the positioning of the conductor in relation to the orchestra and actors. I was very proud of my costume team for being professional, efficient and friendly, really putting the musicians at ease who were clearly not used to such measurements being taken. It gave us all a surprise to find out we were being filmed as part of the documentary! We await our film debut!

Emily adding cotton tape to one of the musicians to define the waistline.

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