On reading over my Learning Agreement for this unit I can see that I have achieved many of the goals I set out. Firstly, the issue of my lacking confidence which I hoped to address and advance throughout this unit. Although I didn't have to pitch my idea, I have had to work closely with a Director and hence, I have had to coherently explain my ideas to him in a confident manner so he also has confidence in designing ability. I have definitely achieved this and seeing his interest in my ideas has given me a confidence boost. Furthermore, having successfully to present to the whole year and a board meeting has only aided my self belief. Seeing the positive response to my work and being questioned about my thinking, in both these situations, has also helped my ability to think on my feet and has shown me the value of reflecting on my work, so I truly understand why I have made certain choices. Working with Doug as a Director has been really interesting especially as the production is actual and not theoretical as previous projects have been. I have welcomed his perspective as an actor and director and this collaboration has been great. Having a Director to communicate with has allowed me to develop my ideas in new ways with his alternative point of view and the influence of his ideas. It has also been helpful for my self motivation as I have arranged meetings with him throughout the project to ensure I am upto date with work. The meeting I attended on the 13th of May where I was introduced to all members involved in the production got me very excited for the collaborating ahead. Working with both the make-up and film students will be new to me and hopefully I will learn from them both, particularly as this production is small scale and intimate. If anything I wish this could have been sooner so I was aware of what was involved and possible collaborations earlier on in the project.
Another task I set myself in this project was to use Photoshop in my design work. I included the programme in both creating my figure templates but also to render my final costume designs. It is extremely helpful for creating figures and means I can produce costume sketches quickly and accurately. However, I enjoyed rendering the more textured designs such as the Narrators suit and the Soldiers trousers as opposed to the Princesses skirt. In this instance I found it difficult to represent the chiffon's texture and lightness, I felt that the watercolour was much more successful at illustrating this texture. What is more, the red colouring of her hair also came out far too bright when printed which detracted from the overall look of the character. I did further hand rednering over the designs to draw them back to my vision. Despite these problems I am content with the progress I have made in using Photoshop and I am extremely happy about the look of my final designs from using the program. I have chosen to present my current design work in a folder to clearly show the thought process within each designs progression in a neat and professional format. This runs along side my sketch book which is also clearly organised so I could easily use it to present my designs. I wanted to make sure this all looked very professional as it will create a good starting point for next year but is also in response to comments I had in lack of organisation in CIC.
I have not gathered research via gallery visits as much as would have liked. I did visit the Tate Modern but this was lacking in historical content and was more for inspiration in colours and silhouettes for both set and costume. Considering my set I am satisfied with the stage it is at but I could have achieved more if I had been aware of the Orchestra space required at an earlier time, however I used the contacts I had and there was nothing I could have done to solve this. The Orchestra were very happy with the plans so from here I plan to develop the set decoration, scene changes and technical elements of the design on level 6.
To conclude, in this unit I have successfully addressed aspects of my personal skill and portfolio that needed to be advanced to aid my design work and professionalism. I have greatly enjoyed this project and I am most excited about seeing the production come to life in Level 6 as it is a role I am completely new to!